Bookmarks for January 18th
When I'm not blogging, I'm browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on January 18th:
Ocean FEST forms new partnership with Na Pua Noeau: Ocean FEST has formed a new partnership with Na Pua Noeau to bring hands-on science to the Native Hawaiian community.
UH sees research as economic engine: A Hawaii Innovation Technology Exchange Institute would connect entrepreneurs with investors, build business partnerships early in the development process and help to commercialize university research.
Securing data will be costly, UH says: The University of Hawaii says it needs $1.9 million to tighten its Web security and lessen the chance of future data breaches of individual privacy.
Most distant galaxy cluster identified: Astronomers have uncovered a burgeoning galactic metropolis, the most distant known in the early universe.
Astronomers discover close-knit pairs of massive black holes: These black-hole pairs, also called binaries, are about a hundred to a thousand times closer together than most that have been observed before, providing astronomers a glimpse into how they merge.
Hawaii schools go high tech with testing: Pack away the pencil and paper. They're a thing of the past. When it comes to taking the annual HSAs, or Hawaii state assessment tests, for the first time ever, it's now all on-line.
Sirius satellite radio may finally be within range: Sirius XM appears to be moving to offer satellite radio in Alaska and Hawaii, less than a month after the Federal Communications Commission approved plans to use terrestrial repeaters in both states.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.