Bookmarks for September 1st
When I'm not blogging, I'm browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on September 1st:
Best of the Web and Digital Government Achievement Awards 2010 Results: e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government has announced its 2010 Best of the Web and Digital Government Achievement Awards, tapping state and local governments across the U.S. who are tops in digital delivery.
Maryland hostage-taker listed Hawaii as hometown: James J. Lee, the man who has been identified as the hostage taker at the Discovery Channel headquarters today in Maryland, lists Hawaii as his hometown on his MySpace page.
Hawaii Plant Thought to Be Extinct Found in Kohala: A Hawaiian plant species thought to be extinct has been found on the Big Island. The Nature Conservancy and Parker Ranch said Wednesday staff discovered the plant earlier this summer in an upland rainforest on the slopes of Kohala volcano.
ARRA Funds Bolster Broadband Access and Improve Connectivity among Institutions: This RII C2 award will enable the University of Hawaii System, which comprises all public higher education instiutions in Hawaii including community colleges.
Kepler spies Saturn-sized worlds: The US space agency's Kepler planet-hunter has spied a star that has two Saturn-sized objects circling it. Astronomers say they cannot be sure just yet but there may be a third, more Earth-sized planet present as well.
REV Awarded Contract to Provide APVs for US Military TARDEC Program: Production has begun at the Rapid Electric Vehicles headquarters on a revolutionary new automotive solution for delivery, testing and demonstration of a Micro-Grid at Wheeler Air Base, Hawaii.
Hawaii Social Media: Hawaii Social Media was created to track the social media space in Honolulu. The aim is to highlight local social events, social media marketing campaigns, social media professionals, and notable coverage or analysis of social media practices.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.
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