Hawaii Tech Events in April 2023
Those May flowers better be really rad, considering these crazy April showers. Fortunately, most of these events are being held indoors.
Looking to learn something new, or meet new people? I highlight interesting in-person and virtual events each month, and you can always find the latest updates (and submit your events) at HawaiiCalendar.com.
Nerds of PI-CASC
This month’s “Nerd Nite” features graduate scholars from the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC) at UH Mānoa. Presentations: “Rising Up to Sea-Level Rise” by Carla Baizeau, “Bohemian Behemoths: Kinks in the Animal Kingdom” by Paolo Marra-Biggs, and “What is a Data Portal, and Why Won’t She Shut-Up About It?” by Annie Chien. Tuesday, April 4 @ 7 p.m. at Anna O’Briens. Details here!
UH Mānoa Entrepreneurs
A panel discussion with accomplished young women who own their own businesses and who are also students within the University of Hawaii system. The panelists range from swimwear brand owners to candy grape makers. Wednesday, April 5 @ 5 p.m. at Shidler E402 at UH Mānoa. Register here!
Hawaii State Science & Engineering Fair
The kids of Hawaii once again come together to showcase their contributions to science and the community. State finalists will advance to compete at ISEF in Dallas in May. Participants have the opportunity to win cash prizes, internships, scholarships, and more. Thursday, April 6 at the Neal Blaisdell Center. Details here!
E-Sports Panel Discussion
PACE, the UH College of Engineering, and UH ESports is pleased to host members of the leadership team of Activision Blizzard, the company behind such world-renowned games like Call of Duty, Candy Crush, and World of Warcraft, to name a few. Q&A to follow. Wednesday, April 12 @ 4:30 p.m. online. Register here!
Remote Work Early Pau Hana
If you work remotely from Hawaii for a company on the continent, ThriveHI is for you. This month’s event has shifted from Wednesday to Thursday, and the usual presentations will be put aside to prioritize networking. Thursday, April 13 @ 3:30 p.m. at Honolulu Beerworks. Register here!
Mālama i ka ʻIkepili
A forum for UH faculty and graduate students across disciplines to share their experiences working with research data, especially on the unique challenges and opportunities of research data in Hawaii. Topics include open science and data sharing and decolonizing research data. Details here!
ChatGPT: BS Machine to Knowledge Learner
We will delve into the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT and its evolution, exploring how it works and how it can be trained. We will also offer some clues as to how the tools used in building large language models, such as content management systems, may evolve. Tuesday, April 18 @ 5:30 p.m. at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox. Register here!
Onizuka Day of Exploration
Now in its 7th year, this event combines STEM exploration and scouting, featuring more than 100 exciting, hands-on STEM activities for the entire family, plus workshops on 3-D printing, gaming, coding, cyber security, and creative media. Saturday, April 22 @ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at UH West ‘Oahu. Details here!
Astronomy Open House
A day of fun and science! From charting dangers and documenting wonders, from DART and ATLAS to Pan-STARRS… learn more about some of the world’s most amazing scientific instruments and the people who develop and use them. Hands-on activities, displays and demos, and talks and videos, for all ages! Free admission and parking. Details here!
Elemental Interactive 2023
Can we cut emissions in half in just seven years? Innovators, investors, technologists, community groups, policymakers, artists, activists and journalists join forces in accelerating global action to address the climate crisis. Tuesday, April 25 in San Francisco and online. Details here!
Also Coming Up:
April 4 & 5: C5 Forum Hawaii
April 13: Startup Hawaii Social (Hawaii Island)
April 15: Hawaii HealthTech Meetup
April 20: Threat Hunting with (ISC)²
April 28: Ourspace Launch Event
May 17: East Meets West 2023
Do you know about a great upcoming event? Are you organizing one? Let me know!