PowerPoint Karaoke Comes to Hawaii
Going on stage to give a presentation is, for some, already a terrifying scenario. But what if you didn't even know what your presentation was going to be about? That's the deliciously cruel setup for "PowerPoint karaoke," which turns potentially drab charts and graphs into live improv comedy. As the official website declares, "Prepare to be unprepared."
Kyle Nishioka, friend and local übergeek, is bringing PowerPoint Karaoke to Honolulu this Saturday. The brave and foolhardy will be placed front and center beginning at 3 p.m. at ING Direct Cafe (1958 Kalakaua Ave.) in Waikiki. The topics and slides, which are being provided by the international organizers, will be unveiled only as the hapless victim is handed the microphone. And the results, whether catastrophic or clever, will be recorded on video and uploaded to YouTube.
When it's all over, everyone will hopefully have a whole different understanding of the phrase "PowerPoint hell." And one of the brave Honolulu presenters will win a Wireless Projection Link from Imation, the global sponsor. Then, the best presentations from around the world will be entered to win a number of prizes, including a $5,000 grand prize.
To prove your PowerPoint mettle, or to merely observe and taunt, you can RSVP via Twitter or send an e-mail to Kyle.
What does "PowerPoint Karaoke" look like? Here's a presentation from a recent event in Sydney: