Jobs Ends Hawaii Vacation, Tackles 'Antennagate'
Apple CEO Steve Jobs today held a press conference to address "Antennagate," or widespread reports of reception problems with its iPhone 4 smartphone. Jobs reiterated that it's a problem for all phones, that only a tiny percentage of people have reported problems, and that the iPhone 4 is still their best phone ever. Nonetheless, he said Apple will give everyone a free case to solve issues related to the exposed antenna, and will continue to study things.
I love my iPhone 4, I agree that it's the best iPhone yet, and even though I can perform the bar-dropping parlor trick, I haven't experienced any increased problems in day-to-day use. (Then again, I rarely use my iPhone as a phone.) Still, I tuned into coverage of the press conference, and noticed this first question during the Q&A portion:
Q: Steve, how's your health? How are you doing?
A: I'm doing fine, I was doing better earlier in the week when I was on vacation in Hawaii.
I didn't know he was here, but someone told Gawker that they saw him at the Kona Village Resort. The same tipster says Microsoft founder Bill Gates was also on the Big Island.